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Shaleec T

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Fashion W.E.A.R. (We Educate Against Rape) needs videographers and photographers!
Denver, Colorado
Active over a week ago | Posted over a month ago

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Videographer Job in Denver, Colorado

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SEEKING INTELEGENT VIDEOGRAPHERS/PHOTOGRAPHERS: FASHION W.E.A.R. (WE EDUCATE AGAINST RAPE) NEEDS YOU!!!! Fashion W.E.A.R. will have its launch event June 26, 2014, location to be determined. The date is between two events I love, Denim Day and SlutWalk. Both events focus on awareness, advocacy, and ending victim and blaming. I need at least 10 photographers that have a great eye, and can capture Fashion W.E.A.R. in a candid way. Photographers must: • Be 18 years of age or older • Be able capture Fashion W.E.A.R. in a candid way • Be survivors and/or who understand the power behind education and awareness about rape, sexual assault, abuse, trafficking, domestic violence, victim and blaming; and the need to raise awareness about femicide worldwide and what can be done to prevent it • Be willing to make a commitment to researching and collecting information, for the state you are assigned (I have links to sister organizations, in each state, that would be a great place to start); on laws, legislation, and organizations/non-profits that focus on rape, sexual assault, abuse, trafficking, domestic violence, femicide, victim and blaming • Selling tickets • Help with production of viral videos to promote Fashion W.E.A.R. and key sponsors. I need confirmed photographers by June 1, 2014 Fashion W.E.A.R. was an idea derived from Denver Denim Day: Fashion Show. The concept of an all denim fashion show featuring models who are all survivors of rape/sexual assault seemed so profound and original, but Fashion W.E.A.R. felt like we could take it to the next level, by adding an educational piece and allowing the fashion show to be a starting point to begin small groups that focus on rape education and prevention, as well as victim support and advocacy. If interested please email a photo or link to past work (if handy), and a short message explaining why you want to be a part of Fashion W.E.A.R. to

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