Videographer Jobs in Arlington, Virginia
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 Arlington Videographer Jobs Found
Ryan B
Arlington, Virginia
Active over a week ago
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We help busy caffeine lovers make coffee they will enjoy with a unique and healthy alternative to invigorate their morning
I am looking for a series of short clips (3-4) that are 20-30 seconds in length, to use for branding and advertising purposes. I am hoping t...
I am looking for a series of short clips (3-4) that are 20-30 seconds in length, to use for branding and advertising purposes. I am hoping to hire a videographer that can help shoot and edit these clips within the brand guidelines that I am aiming for.
Maddness Y
Arlington, Virginia
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Indie HipHop Artist
Indie hiphop artist looking for super creative high quality videographers..Who has the skills to take us viral..Who has directing skill,that...
Indie hiphop artist looking for super creative high quality videographers..Who has the skills to take us viral..Who has directing skill,that can turn something simple,Inti something epic.Also looking for great mixing & mastering..mgmt,branding,business development,pr,street team,booking agents etc!! That want ti be apart of taking this worldwide, god bless
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