Videographer Jobs in Gaithersburg, Maryland
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2 Gaithersburg Videographer Jobs Found
Renardo M
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Active over a week ago
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My name is Renardo Mack an awarding winning sports producer looking for videographer who loves challenges
The production is a sitdown interview with four individuals at their home. Then we will need to film some photos. The job time will take ab...
The production is a sitdown interview with four individuals at their home. Then we will need to film some photos. The job time will take about 3 hours. Film format will be FPS 29.97 auto iso, shutter speed 1/60, 4k or 1080p resolution.
Panther F
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Active over a week ago
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Brilliant Films Wedding Videography and Much More
Brilliant Films is a production company dedicated to passionate storytelling whether you want an emotional wedding video or an effective cor...
Brilliant Films is a production company dedicated to passionate storytelling whether you want an emotional wedding video or an effective corporate video.
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