Videographer Jobs in Greenville, South Carolina
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3 Greenville Videographer Jobs Found
Kendall L
Greenville, South Carolina
Active over a week ago
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50th birthday Party
Looking for someone to make me a slideshow for my husbands 50th birthday party. Maybe like 30 to 40 pictures. With music and fonts.
Looking for someone to make me a slideshow for my husbands 50th birthday party. Maybe like 30 to 40 pictures. With music and fonts.
Brian B
Greenville, South Carolina
Active over a week ago
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Anyone have 2 Hipods for a sporting event?
Looking for someone who has 2 hipods for a sporting event. 2 videographers as well. Let me know your rate for 8 hour day.
Looking for someone who has 2 hipods for a sporting event. 2 videographers as well. Let me know your rate for 8 hour day.
Robin T
Greenville, South Carolina
Active over a week ago
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Need slideshow for my sons rehearsal dinner
I am the mother of the groom looking for someone to put a slideshow together of my son and his fiancé
I am the mother of the groom looking for someone to put a slideshow together of my son and his fiancé
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