Videographer Jobs in Pasadena, California

The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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3 Pasadena Videographer Jobs Found

Ali E

Pasadena, California
Active over a week ago
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Experienced Videographer Wanted in Pasadena, CA - Join Our Creative Team Today!
Are you passionate about creating captivating visual content? Do you have a keen eye for detail and a flair for storytelling through videogr...
Are you passionate about creating captivating visual content? Do you have a keen eye for detail and a flair for storytelling through videography? If so, I'm looking for a talented videographer to help bring my projects to life. Based in beautiful Pasadena, California, I'm seeking someone who is creative, reliable, and skilled in capturing and editing high-quality videos. As a...


Pasadena, California
Active over a week ago
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Need MASTERCLASS style shots done in May
Looking for 4k operators with FS7, Canon C300 MII or III or equivalent with lighting and sound (LAV and BOOM) to record budget masterclass s...
Looking for 4k operators with FS7, Canon C300 MII or III or equivalent with lighting and sound (LAV and BOOM) to record budget masterclass style shoots. Need 2 operators and cameras. Be in May sometime. Must have fast lenses.

Daniel W

Pasadena, California
Active over a week ago
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I am looking to record a music video in a studio
Hi there, I am looking for a videographer to help put a video together of me performing music in a recording studio setting, at least one so...
Hi there, I am looking for a videographer to help put a video together of me performing music in a recording studio setting, at least one song, maybe more.

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