Videographer Jobs in Redondo Beach, California
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 Redondo Beach Videographer Jobs Found
Bobby G
Redondo Beach, California
Active over a week ago
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Hiring Experienced Videographer in Redondo Beach, CA - Join Our Creative Team Today!
Hey folks, I'm Bobby and I'm on the lookout for a talented videographer here in Redondo Beach, California. I need someone who can capture an...
Hey folks, I'm Bobby and I'm on the lookout for a talented videographer here in Redondo Beach, California. I need someone who can capture and edit high-quality videos for my business. I run a local surf shop and I want to create engaging content to showcase our products, events, and surfing tutorials.
I'm looking for someone with experience in creating promotional videos, prod...
Rupak C
Redondo Beach, California
Active over a week ago
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Experience in Film making
I need someone to shoot for my film. But first and foremost I want to shoot my title song in this month itself with a song in the background...
I need someone to shoot for my film. But first and foremost I want to shoot my title song in this month itself with a song in the background and will have kids doing various activities on the foreground.
I want to discuss this project in details.
Please reach out to me asap
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