Videographer Jobs in West Palm Beach, Florida
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 West Palm Beach Videographer Jobs Found
Renako H
West Palm Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Videographer Needed!
Need a videographer that is serious and love what they do. I have a lot of projects that I want to work on and I'm ready to start ASAP.
Need a videographer that is serious and love what they do. I have a lot of projects that I want to work on and I'm ready to start ASAP.
Jenna L
West Palm Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Fun project for a young videographer with unique cool ideas!
My sister and I are looking for someone who can help us create a cool video to help boost our real estate business. We need something that w...
My sister and I are looking for someone who can help us create a cool video to help boost our real estate business. We need something that will catch people's attention. Being that social media is so popular nowadays, our business is going to be based mainly off of our online accounts. We are both in our twenties and would prefer to have someone around our age to work with.
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