Videographers in California City, California
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 California City Videographers Found
Ariel L
California City, California
Active over a week ago
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Videographer/Audiomman/Production Staff/Technical Crew
I've been in the Industry since 2013 - Present and focus on shooting corporate, TVC, TV Show, Film, Wedding, Documentary and Events.
I've been in the Industry since 2013 - Present and focus on shooting corporate, TVC, TV Show, Film, Wedding, Documentary and Events.
Devone K
California City, California
Active over a week ago
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Stellar Videographer
Local Videographer with a passion for film making. Capturing from weddings and short films to music videos and documentaries, no task is too...
Local Videographer with a passion for film making. Capturing from weddings and short films to music videos and documentaries, no task is too large or small. I also offer trailers and promotional videos for content.
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