Videographers in Conyers, Georgia
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 Conyers Videographers Found
Seven F
Conyers, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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6 years exp.
Experienced videographer with Exceptional editing skills
I have 6 years experience shooting with a Canon and prime lenses. My experience ranges from weddings, webshows, and music videos, to commerc...
I have 6 years experience shooting with a Canon and prime lenses. My experience ranges from weddings, webshows, and music videos, to commercials and Instagram promos. I have exceptional editing skills specifically in FCPX and thousands of dollars of aftermarket additions including transitions, titles, effects, and filters. I have basic lighting and sound as well.
Michael R
Conyers, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Dedicated and Experienced Videographer Available!
I’m a videographer based in the Greater Atlanta Area with over 10 years of experience in both narrative and non-narrative video production,...
I’m a videographer based in the Greater Atlanta Area with over 10 years of experience in both narrative and non-narrative video production, including corporate training videos, music videos, short films, visual effects, and motion graphics design. I have worked on several campaigns and projects with music artists such as Lil Hot, “Pimpin” of Dem Franchize Boys, Diechotomy, Empy...
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