Videographers in Elk Grove Village, Illinois
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2 Elk Grove Village Videographers Found
aiden l
Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Videographer in Elk Grove Village, IL Quality Visuals / VHS visuals / film photos for Events
I'm Aiden, a professional videographer living in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. I specialize in creating stunning visuals for any occasion, ra...
I'm Aiden, a professional videographer living in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. I specialize in creating stunning visuals for any occasion, ranging from weddings to corporate events. I have been filming for over multiple years, honing my craft and expanding my portfolio every step of the way.
I prefer to use older cameras of the early 2000s to give me a VHS look that modern ca...
Teo S
Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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27 Years Experience
Film, concerts, video... Videographer and Video editor, color grading, Edius, davinci resolve, adobe
Film, concerts, video... Videographer and Video editor, color grading, Edius, davinci resolve, adobe
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