Videographers in Flushing, New York
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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How it works
Post your job
Create your profile and have videographers come to you.
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Contact & Hire
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2 Flushing Videographers Found
Gabe H
Flushing, New York
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
I'm smart, fast and customer-centered. Let me help you tell your story!
I'm a content creator and manager that specializes in social media marketing, event and business videography, and short films
I'm a content creator and manager that specializes in social media marketing, event and business videography, and short films
Roger S
Flushing, New York
Active over a week ago
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Guy needs a job.
I am a recent graduate from Queens College who has majored in Media Studies and has the experience in the field
I am a recent graduate from Queens College who has majored in Media Studies and has the experience in the field
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