Videographers in Jamaica, New York
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 Jamaica Videographers Found
Travis W
Jamaica, New York
Active over a week ago
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20 years exp.
Looking to connect with awesome people and produce engaging video content!
Let's connect and work to give your idea life. I can work with you in creating meaningful content in area such as commercials, infomercials,...
Let's connect and work to give your idea life. I can work with you in creating meaningful content in area such as commercials, infomercials, interviews and highlight videos, music videos and more! If you have something specific, let's chat!
Parnel J
Jamaica, New York
Active over a week ago
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I'm parnel and my skills are dope!
Just hire me one time and you will fall in love with my creativity. If you wanna check my work, here's my IG : @Sp_anglevision
Just hire me one time and you will fall in love with my creativity. If you wanna check my work, here's my IG : @Sp_anglevision
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