Videographers in Lithonia, Georgia
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8 Lithonia Videographers Found
Adolph P
Lithonia, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Provide a variety of photography/videography services including Event Photography, Multi Camera Recording and Live-streaming.
Provide a variety of photography/videography services including Event Photography, Multi Camera Recording and Live-streaming.
Sherida P
Lithonia, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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2 years exp.
Passionate about creating stories through film and responsible for delivering high-quality services.
I have a B.S. degree in Digital Cinematography from Full Sail University, where I graduated in 2020. I work with a Sony SF5 video camera and...
I have a B.S. degree in Digital Cinematography from Full Sail University, where I graduated in 2020. I work with a Sony SF5 video camera and I am also a licensed master cosmetologist with 24 years of experience in customer service and entrepreneurship, so I can help in this area as well. I am eager to take on a position to gain more experience and knowledge in this business. I...
Greg R
Lithonia, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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5 years exp.
Never ever leave a solider behind.........
Advance........culture...progress ...motivation....change....respect....endurance....modifications.....
Advance........culture...progress ...motivation....change....respect....endurance....modifications.....
Peter G
Lithonia, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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I’m a fashion forward person that knows the music and design world pretty well.
I provide the youth that a company needs to survive. Also I’m a pretty good editor. Digitally. Especially with photos.
I provide the youth that a company needs to survive. Also I’m a pretty good editor. Digitally. Especially with photos.
Justin T
Lithonia, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Straight to the point DP/Editor with over 10 years experience with feature length films, documentaries, and promos.
Director of Photography and Editor for feature length films and documentaries available on Amazon Video, over 50 music videos, PSA's aired i...
Director of Photography and Editor for feature length films and documentaries available on Amazon Video, over 50 music videos, PSA's aired in the tri-state area, and over 5 years of television and newsroom experience. Sound mixing, sound design, edit assembly, color correction and color grading.
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Amir D
Lithonia, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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End of The Hall Productions Premiere and creative videography for events, commercials,music videos, and more! Lets create!
Events| Let's capture!! We would love to film your birthday's, weddings, graduations, etc....
Commercial | Your product is the next best th...
Events| Let's capture!! We would love to film your birthday's, weddings, graduations, etc....
Commercial | Your product is the next best thing, only problem is that only you know that. Visuals are everything, market your product with a commercial from end of the hall media
Music Videos| Your product is the next best thing, only problem is that only you know that. Visuals are...
Eric C
Lithonia, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Professional Videography Services
RhinoValley is a professional video production company based in Atlanta, Ga. View our portfolio at, or on YouTube by searching u...
RhinoValley is a professional video production company based in Atlanta, Ga. View our portfolio at, or on YouTube by searching under RhinoValley.
Dominic R
Lithonia, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Freelance Videographer
My name is Dominic Reliford, I've been in the video production field for 4 years now. I'm originally from Kansas City, Mo. I recently moved...
My name is Dominic Reliford, I've been in the video production field for 4 years now. I'm originally from Kansas City, Mo. I recently moved to Atl to expand my videographer career/business. While in KC I mainly focused on music videos. I shot majority of the local artist their. I worked closely with club promoters and shot events for them which allowed me to shoot a few celebr...
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