Videographers in Marysville, Washington
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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4 Marysville Videographers Found
Charlie P
Marysville, Washington
Active over a week ago
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6 years exp.
Freelance filmmaker with 5+ years experience in weddings, commercial work, narrative short films, and documentary.
I write, shoot, and edit. I can travel around the PNW. I'd love to find jobs that allow me to create content that leads to more and bigger p...
I write, shoot, and edit. I can travel around the PNW. I'd love to find jobs that allow me to create content that leads to more and bigger projects. Send me an email!
Mark K
Marysville, Washington
Active over a week ago
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24 years exp.
Momentous Memories - Videographer
Hello, and welcome to Momentous Memories. My name is Mark Kaye, and I am a trained videographer, and have been working in the field for over...
Hello, and welcome to Momentous Memories. My name is Mark Kaye, and I am a trained videographer, and have been working in the field for over 24 years. My primary expertise is weddings, but I’ve branched out to other types of events over time. Since 2011, I was a wood craftsman for the company, Geek Chic, and a lead employee in charge of heirloom quality gaming accessories (Dice...
Michael C
Marysville, Washington
Active over a week ago
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3 years exp.
Young dedicated videographer
Hello, I'm a videographer with experience with full feature lengths all the way to 30 second commercials and I beieve I'm the perfect fit fo...
Hello, I'm a videographer with experience with full feature lengths all the way to 30 second commercials and I beieve I'm the perfect fit for your video needs.
Jim C
Marysville, Washington
Active over a week ago
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Entertainer with Camera and Video Camera, friends with the Stars
Very interested in all kinds of entertainment work. Available most of the time with very little responsibilities.
Very interested in all kinds of entertainment work. Available most of the time with very little responsibilities.
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