Videographers in Newmarket, Ontario
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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5 Newmarket Videographers Found
Mark C
Newmarket, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
Transport Canada Certified Advanced Commercial Drone Operator
Professional photographer and videographer for residential, commercial and event projects, drone media
Professional photographer and videographer for residential, commercial and event projects, drone media
Angry Whale M
Newmarket, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
A.W. Media is a boutique video production agency for the innovative and the adventurous.
We’re a video production company that makes videos, takes photos, and tells stories about adventure, innovation and people in their environm...
We’re a video production company that makes videos, takes photos, and tells stories about adventure, innovation and people in their environment. We provide full service video production, video editing, product photography/videography, and work on both commercial and corporate projects. We look to work with people that want something unique - something that sets them apart.
Mohammad J
Newmarket, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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20 years exp.
Video production, affordable rates, quick and fast. EVENTS, MUSIC VIDEO, WEDDINGS,
You will receive your best video and photo from me at fair price
Hi, I am a professional videographer and photographer in the Toronto area....
You will receive your best video and photo from me at fair price
Hi, I am a professional videographer and photographer in the Toronto area. I shoot real-estate,Advertising, weddings, and more!
Here is a link to some of my works:
Luke P
Newmarket, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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An extremely motivated young man currently enrolled in film at Canadore College. Highly skilled with a camera and editing.
I can provide filming, and editing content for personal and professional use. I have produced content for social media as well as short film...
I can provide filming, and editing content for personal and professional use. I have produced content for social media as well as short films and documentaries to be entered in film festivals. I am extremely outgoing and will jump at any opportunity to be creative.
Gary Z
Newmarket, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Drone services - aerial photography & video, real estate video, etc
At Sky UAV Solutions, we provide professional drone services for aerial photo and video in GTA area. Our services include but not limited to...
At Sky UAV Solutions, we provide professional drone services for aerial photo and video in GTA area. Our services include but not limited to the following areas:
1. Residential real estate property photography and video;
2. Commercial land/property photography and video;
3. Commercial ad video;
4. Sports event video;
5. Roof & utility inspection;
We provide post...
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