Videographers in Rochester, Michigan
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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3 Rochester Videographers Found
Greg Q
Rochester, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Former News Videographer with 19 years professionally behind the camera
You want your clients engaged, informed, and growing. I can help with that!
My news experience taught me how to meet tight deadlines under...
You want your clients engaged, informed, and growing. I can help with that!
My news experience taught me how to meet tight deadlines under substantial pressure. I learned through my marketing experience to be focused on short-term and long-term goals and projects. Owning my own video business made me realize how to consistently multitask and deliver for demanding clients. I l...
Faris A
Rochester, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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I am a videographer/ photographer who specializes is creating engaging content for social media.
I have worked with international brands as well as many local brands helping them achieve the image they are looking for. My goal is to be t...
I have worked with international brands as well as many local brands helping them achieve the image they are looking for. My goal is to be the creative brain that helps dial in the message each brand is trying to make and create a visual representation that is unique while also staying on top of trends.
Dillon S
Rochester, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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I'm an experienced videographer, motion graphics, video editing, photography, and easy to get along with.
I can provide unique professional video work, with motion graphics and/or high resolution stills. I can also get drone video as well making...
I can provide unique professional video work, with motion graphics and/or high resolution stills. I can also get drone video as well making sure to create a truly unique and compelling video to look back on.
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