Videographers in Taunton, Massachusetts
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 Taunton Videographers Found
Kyle F
Taunton, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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My passion is filmmaking and telling visual stories. I have experience working on set as a Director, DP, AD and as a Gaffer.
I am a Videographer who owns my own gear. I am flexible and able to adjust to a clients needs. I can also Edit and if needed Write and story...
I am a Videographer who owns my own gear. I am flexible and able to adjust to a clients needs. I can also Edit and if needed Write and storyboard. I like planning out shots, but can work perfectly on the fly.
Kim R
Taunton, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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Getting Married? Capture the best memory on video...great quality, great prices!
KL Photo & Video is a small photography and videography business that will not only leave you satisfied, but will leave you with lasting mem...
KL Photo & Video is a small photography and videography business that will not only leave you satisfied, but will leave you with lasting memories of your special day. We specialize in weddings mostly for videography and event and portrait photography sch as senior photos, parties etc. 9 out of 10 married couples who didn't capture video footage in such a memorable way as we d...
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