Videographers in Thunder Bay, Ontario
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 Thunder Bay Videographers Found
Khalid A
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Hobbiest photographer/filmmaker
From photography, storyboarding and scriptwriting. To lighting, blocking, shooting and editing your product. I am proficient in Adobe produc...
From photography, storyboarding and scriptwriting. To lighting, blocking, shooting and editing your product. I am proficient in Adobe products, DaVinci Resolve and more software.
Bryan P
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Westfort Productions - Video Production Experts
Westfort Productions is a comprehensive video production company, offering a full slate of services to their diverse client base. Our primar...
Westfort Productions is a comprehensive video production company, offering a full slate of services to their diverse client base. Our primary goal is to create authentic and inspiring video for the individuals, businesses, corporations and academic institutions.
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