Videographer Jobs in Canton, Texas
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2 Canton Videographer Jobs Found
Gary S
Canton, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Freelance producer looking for a experienced videographer for small project.
Looking for a Videographer in Canton to film an interview and gather some b-roll on Monday October 16th. Please have experience filming inte...
Looking for a Videographer in Canton to film an interview and gather some b-roll on Monday October 16th. Please have experience filming interviews. You will be asking the questions off camera.
Digital 4K/HD camera pkg., audio (lav/boom mic) and a small light kit is required. No editing needed. This is a 2hr gig.
Please provide a link to previous interview work along with con...
Wendy W
Canton, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Trucker for Your Music Video
My name is Wendy Wilder. I'm 5'2 and 125lbs. I'm have excessive strength and energy. I'm from East Texas, but I've been everywhe...
My name is Wendy Wilder. I'm 5'2 and 125lbs. I'm have excessive strength and energy. I'm from East Texas, but I've been everywhere, Man. I'm a trucker with 10 years of experience. (With no accidents and no moving violations.) I believe in angels.
I can drive any big rig and I can drive it backwards. I have experience driving water tankers and pneumatic tankers in...
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