Videographers in Pearland, Texas
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3 Pearland Videographers Found
Matias A
Pearland, Texas
Active over a week ago
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I'm a digital designer. I design the interaction between humans and screens.
Born and raised in Santiago Chile, I come to the US with my bachelors in design, offering insight on; UI, motion graphics, animation, web de...
Born and raised in Santiago Chile, I come to the US with my bachelors in design, offering insight on; UI, motion graphics, animation, web design, graphic design, 3D modeling and animation, and programing using micro controlers.
Juan Carlos R
Pearland, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Wedding/ Event Videographer in Houston Area
Graduated from The Art Institute of Houston with 4 years of experience in Digital Filmmaking and Video Production.
Graduated from The Art Institute of Houston with 4 years of experience in Digital Filmmaking and Video Production.
Kelsey E
Pearland, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Capturing life, creating art
I studied media studies and production at a top private school in upstate New York. I have a creative eye and am a very good editor. I have...
I studied media studies and production at a top private school in upstate New York. I have a creative eye and am a very good editor. I have experience in sports production and documentary. I am always willing to grow and develop my skills
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