Videographers in Santa Fe, New Mexico
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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3 Santa Fe Videographers Found
Chuck C
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Active over a week ago
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Videographer with over a decade of experience and tons of equipment (cameras, lighting, mics, etc).
I can do sound, lighting, camera work, directing, and editing. Samples of my work:
I can do sound, lighting, camera work, directing, and editing. Samples of my work:
Dan O
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Active over a week ago
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Film maker- All aspects of production
Experienced film maker in all aspects of production. 16 years professional experience.
Let's talk about the project.
Experienced film maker in all aspects of production. 16 years professional experience.
Let's talk about the project.
Zach M
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Active over a week ago
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Professional Videographer Seeking Weekend Video/Photo Gigs
I am a professional videographer with experience in and not limited to both television and film. I have also worked weddings and several liv...
I am a professional videographer with experience in and not limited to both television and film. I have also worked weddings and several live shoots. I can use provided equipment or my own personal T5i. Anything requiring additional equipment let me know before hand 10 days' time. For any jobs also desiring or in need of more cameramen/video bodies I have a small crew I may cal...
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