Videographers in Surprise, Arizona
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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3 Surprise Videographers Found
Brandon V
Surprise, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Cinematic Films at Budget Prices! (Freelance Filmmaker)
My name is Brandon, (AKA sarth/s4rth), and I'm a freelance filmmaker. I am building up my professional portfolio at the moment and am...
My name is Brandon, (AKA sarth/s4rth), and I'm a freelance filmmaker. I am building up my professional portfolio at the moment and am in need of new projects to tackle! I have over fourteen years of experience in video editing. I use an editing program called Adobe After Effects. I also have over four years of experience in videography (filming). I am confident that I'm a...
Henok T
Surprise, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Videographer,Photographer And Video Editor
Videographer,Photographer and Video editor,for different occassions Wedding ceremony,Baptism ceremony,birthday occassions,anniversary and di...
Videographer,Photographer and Video editor,for different occassions Wedding ceremony,Baptism ceremony,birthday occassions,anniversary and different types of video editing of film,video clips and video edditing of your footage.i have worked for above 15 years in video shooting and video editing.
Kris M
Surprise, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Quality Affordable Phoenix Videography and Photography
I'm located in Phoenix, Arizona. The entire phoenix area is open to my services. Which are High Quality Video and Photography for personal e...
I'm located in Phoenix, Arizona. The entire phoenix area is open to my services. Which are High Quality Video and Photography for personal events, businesses, advertisement, whatever your videography needs. The most affordable prices you'll find in Phoenix without having to sacrifice any quality of work or professionalism.
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