Videographers in Utica, New York
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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3 Utica Videographers Found
Katie M
Utica, New York
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Videographer booking now for 2016!
I can't think of a more important investment than a wedding video to be able to replay for years to come. Capturing the tiny moments of your...
I can't think of a more important investment than a wedding video to be able to replay for years to come. Capturing the tiny moments of your wedding day is what makes my job so rewarding. It is important to me that I develop a relationship with all of my clients so their wedding film is a true reflection of their personalities.
That being said, I still have a couple opening...
Halid S
Utica, New York
Active over a week ago
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Hardworking Videographer Ready to take on Anything
Hello everyone my name is Halid Sabanovic and I am 16 years old looking to do some work in the videography or photography industry. I have m...
Hello everyone my name is Halid Sabanovic and I am 16 years old looking to do some work in the videography or photography industry. I have my own equipment for both fields. If interested in what I have or want to contact me text me @315-404-.... I have four years of experience with wedding videography and photography. Contact me for more information.
Joe P
Utica, New York
Active over a week ago
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JP Video Productions
Sports, weddings, special events. Filming and Editing.
Phone: 315...
Sports, weddings, special events. Filming and Editing.
Phone: 315...
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