Videographers in Woodstock, Illinois
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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2 Woodstock Videographers Found
Harold R
Woodstock, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Professional Video Production and Still Photography
Looking for freelance work. Able to produce video programs from concept to completion. Still photography specialties include travel, food an...
Looking for freelance work. Able to produce video programs from concept to completion. Still photography specialties include travel, food and events, product photography and highly creative, unique images.
Harold R
Woodstock, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Afterglow Creative Sevices - turnkey professional video production and photography
Specializing in corporate and not-for-profit video programs and commercial still photography -- it's something we're very good at. Our mis...
Specializing in corporate and not-for-profit video programs and commercial still photography -- it's something we're very good at. Our mission is to use our skills in helping our clients create a better world. We do that by producing programs that help raise money, teach skills, create awareness or communicate goals.
To view samples, and a bit of fun, visit us at http://.....
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