Videographer Jobs in Compton, California
The #1 way to hire a professional videographer
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3 Compton Videographer Jobs Found
Malachi M
Compton, California
Active over a week ago
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Im Malachi McGhee and I'm looking for a camera crew and editing team for my tv show "Malachs every day move
Film crew and editing team
Willing to travel nice and must have patience
Has to be reliable
And more than 2 cameras
Film crew and editing team
Willing to travel nice and must have patience
Has to be reliable
And more than 2 cameras
Jesse G
Compton, California
Active over a week ago
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I need at music video shot
Im a hiphop artist from Australia, my budget is 1k and i will be in LA between feb 14th - 18th
I would like to shoot the video at the tupac...
Im a hiphop artist from Australia, my budget is 1k and i will be in LA between feb 14th - 18th
I would like to shoot the video at the tupac, mac miller and kendrick lamar murals around the city, 3 locations
I have no way to travel and if you have a car to drive us around that would be great!
Constantine D
Compton, California
Active over a week ago
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Videographer/Cameraman Needed - Advertisement Videos
E-commerce company, a leader in its respective market, is looking for talented videographer for a project. Ideally with experience with adve...
E-commerce company, a leader in its respective market, is looking for talented videographer for a project. Ideally with experience with advertisements and commercials.
100-150 short videos (approx. 30 seconds each) should be made for one of our collections. Videos should be descriptive, showing the piece (artwork) from different angles, explaining its benefits, etc.
You s...
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