Videographers in Forest Hills, New York
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2 Forest Hills Videographers Found
Anthony S
Forest Hills, New York
Active over a week ago
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Videographer / Editor specializing in documentary / reality video.
In his childhood years, Anthony Sylvester loved to play pretend and would often get lost in made up worlds of magic and mystery. Anthony’s o...
In his childhood years, Anthony Sylvester loved to play pretend and would often get lost in made up worlds of magic and mystery. Anthony’s optimistic perspective comes from his appreciation, for being able to ascertain and nurture his extraordinary imagination early in his life. Today, he uses this same deep seeded creative vision to craft rich visual media delving deep into th...
Vilan T
Forest Hills, New York
Active over a week ago
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Cinematic Style Wedding and Event Video
Vitelloni Productions specializes in cinematic style video production. For more information visit our website where you can view a productio...
Vitelloni Productions specializes in cinematic style video production. For more information visit our website where you can view a production reel of our work.
Clients include: Penguin Publishing, XIN Development Group, Select Records, Boland Legal LLC (Facebook case), and others
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